Tuulisbrass – Estonian Music for Brass

Tuulisbrass is a brass ensemble of Estonian young students formed in 2016. The first CD of Tuulisbrass – Estonian Music for Brass – exclusively features the music of Estonian composers, both in the form of works written for brass quintet and arrangements.
Track List:

1.-2. Harri Otsa – Prelude and Fugue Rustico

3. Cyrillus Kreek – Kui suur on meie vaesus

4.-6. Tauno Aints – Congratulations, Chorale, and Ad Libitum

7. Rein Ploom – Slow Waltz

8. Joonas Neumann – Brass Quintet No. 1 “Con anima”

9. Cyrillus Kreek  – Jeesus kõige ülem hää

10.-11.  Veljo Tormis – “Ringmängulaul” from the cycle “Ingerimaa õhtud” and  “Käsikivimäng” from the cycle “Kolm eesti mängulaulu”

12. Martin Pajumaa – Mõtlikult piki teed

13. Mart Saar – Laulik

14. Lepo Sumera – Valss filmist “Kevadine kärbes” (Waltz from the film “Spring Fly”)

15.-19. Heino Eller – Suite from the work “Viis pala keelpilliorkestrile”


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I Brass Music OÜ, Tallinn, Estonia

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